Ticket To Ride by The City of Edmonton Youth Council


Mar 16 - Mar 17


Hu Lian Tong Xun ? Dong Wei Lu ?, JinLang ShangQuan, Shenhe Qu, Shenyang Shi, Liaoning Sheng, China, 110000, Shenyang Shi, Liaoning Sheng, China, 110003






The City of Edmonton Youth Council presents a collaborative fundraiser event seeking to bring accessible transportation to Edmonton youth-at-risk, and prove that this City, as a community is capable of aiding our youth in need. We invite you to join us in reaching our fundraising goal of $10,000, as all proceeds will be used directly for transportation passes to be distributed through YESS.

The event will conveniently start after working hours. Come and enjoy delicious snacks kindly prepared by Renaissance Aiport Hotel and non-alcoholic refreshments.


Wednesday, 16 March 2016 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM


Latitude 53 (Art Gallery) – 10242 106 Street




-Entry by optional donation

-Complimentary hors-d’oeuvres, courtesy of Renaissance Airport hotel

-Complimentary non-alcoholic refreshments.

-Silent auction on location

-50/50 ticket sale

-Local leaders speaking throughout the event.


For more information, visit the facebook page

ceyc  ceyc_endpoverty




