This week Layne Mitchell asked your favourite ‘Edmonton facts’ and your greatest responses are below.


The U of A and Eskimos colours are green and gold because of how the river valley looks this time of year. In fact, Eskimos first Jerseys were hand-me-down from U Of A.





The Edmonton Garrison base once had a runway big enough that it was an alternate landing site for NASA shuttles.

Pic of runway during a motorcycle event via www.stalbertgazette.com.


Edmonton has the largest expanse of urban parkland of any city in Canada. (perhaps largest all of North America? unconfirmed).




Edmonton has a neon sign museum. It’s on 104th Ave and kiddy corner to Rogers place.

Photo via exploreedmonton.com
Photo via exploreedmonton.com


Edmonton used to have a nuclear reactor. It was decommissioned in 2015. ‘Slowpoke reactor – the small concrete islands just West of the LRT bridge were cold water intakes for it.

Pic courtesy The Simpsons wiki.



Edmonton also experienced one of the greatest population explosions in modern times. Going from 250,000 in the 80’s to basically a million by the late 90’s.



Edmonton is the largest northern city in the world.




Boston pizza was started in Edmonton





It is illegal in Edmonton to own a pigeon without a license, or to own more than 75.




Up until recently. No matter where you lived you lived in the NW.




 What did we miss? Post your suggestions in the comments.

Filed under: Edmonton facts