Yesterday another episode of Mind Wide Open was released on IGTV. It’s an interview series done by Chris Cornell’s daughter, Lily Cornell Silver to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. She started the series in honour of her father, on July 20th which would’ve been his 56th birthday. On the show, she has conversations with celebrities, musicians, and medical professionals. Yesterday’s episode starred Eddie Vedder, the frontman of Pearl Jam. She mentions how Eddie Vedder and his wife Jill are activists, philanthropists, and have been a support system for the Cornell family since before she was born.

He spoke to her about dealing with grief, and shared memories and lessons he learned from spending time with her dad. During difficult times even before Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder said he would lean on his art to make use of his “tricky emotions”.

When discussing mental health Vedder also briefly brought up other members of iconic grunge bands:

“Your dad in nature… ya’know I mean obviously he had the music, and those are some dark lyrics, Kurt’s lyrics, they were some dark lyrics, Layne’s lyrics, they were some dark lyrics… and these weren’t people going, ‘I’m gonna pretend to write a dark song.’ It was real for everybody.”

He even speaks about the relatability with newer artists, like Billie Eilish.

You can watch the full episode below:

You can find other episodes as well as mental health resources on the Mind Wide Open website.