Silversun Pickups have been quiet lately and now we know why! Today they announced their new album. It’ll be called “Widow’s Weeds” and is due out June 7th.

Super producer Butch Vig helped make this one. Lots has happened with the band since their last album came out back in 2014, including singer Brian Aubert entering treatment for a drinking problem. Now that he’s clean he says he is a much different song writer. He says “The record does have a mourning vibe, but it’s not sad. It’s change. It’s growing up and moving on and letting go of things. And it’s okay to be sad about those things and mourn them. It’s actually healthy to do so and take the time to do it. At the end of the day, it’s going to be much better and much more fulfilling when you get through it.”

They released the first single from the album, its called “It Doesn’t Matter Why” and you can here it here:

– Bryce

Filed under: New Music, silversun pickups