Vancouver rock duo Japandroids have announced their farewell alongside their final album, Fate and Alcohol.

In a press release, Brian King said, “On our last record we wanted to broaden the definition of a Japandroids song, and purposely left our demos quite open and malleable so that we had more flexibility to experiment in the studio. At the time, this approach was new and exciting, and inspired us to be bolder, to take more chances. We were aiming for a more cinematic take on our signature sound. This time, we made certain that every song ripped in our jam space before [longtime recording engineer] Jesse [Gander] ever heard it. If you listen to our first demo of “Chicago,” it’s obviously much rougher than what you hear on record, but it’s all there. Even on a blown-out iPhone recording, the energy was obvious, and the feeling cut through loud and clear.”

Fate and Alcohol will be released on October 18. The new single, “Chicago”, leads the band’s final album. Stream it below.