For so many, this is the hardest time of the year, especially for those suffering from seasonal depression. The weather has changed, it’s dark, grey, wet, cold… sometimes it’s days between leaving the house. Throw in the upcoming end of Daylight Saving this weekend. Yes we get an extra hour of sleep, that sounds awesome, but with that comes waking up and it’s pitch black, leaving work at the end of the day and it’s pitch black. It can be many days between enjoying actual day light, so how do you beat the hangover that comes with the time change? Your circadian rhythm is all out of whack, your sleep and eating schedule is thrown off, and don’t even get us started if you have kids who also need to adjust.

Here are some helpful tips, and if you have something that works for you, tell us on social media!

Get a head start

By starting to head to bed just 15 minutes earlier in the four days leading up to the end of daylight saving time, you can help curb the hangover and fully adjust your body to the new clocks.


Yeah we know this one is easier said than done, but honestly by adding exercise to your routine, you’ll sleep better and be in a better position to adjust to the new clocks.

Get outside

Our body needs natural light, if you can force yourself outside during the day for a walk, to eat your lunch and get some fresh air that will help your body adjust and give you the much needed Vitamin D your body is craving. If you can’t regularly get outside during the day, try to set your workspace up in a room with lots of natural light. Open the curtains and sit by the window.

Stick to a regular schedule

The better you can run a strict schedule at home, the better you and your family will adjust. Kids have a much easier time when they have routine. So keep to a proper schedule and try not to deviate on your eat, bathe, sleep schedule.

Do something that makes you happy

Treat yourself … if you want to set up your Christmas tree early, go for it! Buy a new coat, new shoes, something you’ve had your eye on for a while, have a nice dinner, use a vacation day and tuck yourself into a blanket by the fire and read a book all day. Find something you can look forward to and enjoy. Life is too short to not allow yourself a chance to have some fun.