Machine Gun Kelly has adapted his album Tickets To My Downfall into a musical. On January 15, the musical will premiere for free on YouTube.

MGK revealed that the musical was filmed over the course of four days with collaborator MOD SUN. MGK also acted a director.

“It was almost like shooting 14 music videos back-to-back, but with a narrative that’s outside my personal life stories,” he explained. “It focuses on other characters, and then me and [Travis Barker] are just the narrators. It’s an interesting concept because it hasn’t been done for an album ever, maybe outside of like Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’.”

Discussing his plans for the new year, MGK said that he plans on “definitely directing a movie, releasing another album, performing Tickets To My Downfall live – that’s necessary. And being a good human, those are all my 2021 top of the list.”

The musical will be available to stream for free on Machine Gun Kelly’s official YouTube channel.