This weekend DC Comics had an online panel for the Dark Nights: Death Metal soundtrack, during which they shared a clip of a new Rise Against song. The song is called “Broken Dreams, Inc.” and is featured during the first episode of the DC series.

Using a few different images Rise Against announced yesterday that the song will come out September 16th, tomorrow.

“Personally, being involved with this soundtrack is really fantastic,” frontman Tim McIlrath said in a statement. “Growing up, my little brother and I would ride our bikes to the newsstand near our house and spend all our money on the latest comic books, and Batman was a favourite. Also, Zach, our guitarist, is probably the biggest comic book geek in our band. He’s talked about how, along with his brother and father, they were all big DC fans – Batman, Robin, Superman, Aquaman, all the comic book series, the TV shows, and feature films. So, yes, we’re all very excited about being part of this.”

You can hear the clip from the new song below, around the 3:03 mark.

Back in July, Kerrang reported that Rise Against confirmed they had new music ready to go.

“I just want to let our fans know that we’re not going anywhere. When the lights go back on you’re gonna see us, and we’re gonna be playing shows, and getting together with you guys.”


Filed under: New Music Discovery, rise against