Even though gyms have reopened in Alberta, it’s okay if you want to keep your work-out routine socially distanced.

If you need a good excuse to get in shape this summer, sign up for the Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta virtual Hustle For The House run from July 6 – 12!


To get you going, here are the top 5 tips to get a good work-out from the comfort of your own living room.


1. Set goals


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You need to know where you want to go, and how you want to get there. Your goal could be anything like finishing a virtual run/walk or wanting to lose 10 pounds. A good goal is something you can’t do right now, but you know it’s something you can achieve.


2. Schedule your workouts and make it a routine


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Find a time in the day that you know works best for you, and make that your designated work-out time. Or, if daily work-outs aren’t for you, plan your work-out days and times a month in advance. If something comes up during one of your scheduled work-outs, rescheduled it!


3. Find an exercise partner


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Having someone to keep you accountable makes it easier to stick to your routine. Plus, you’ll be less likely to find an excuse to skip a work-out if you have a friend or family member waiting for you!


4. Challenge yourself


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Since you don’t have the same equipment at home as you would at a gym, it can feel easy to get bored and give up. Check for workout videos and tips online that are specifically designed for at-home to keep things fresh and fun!


5. Keep a journal


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Find a way to keep track of your progress, so you can celebrate your milestones! A journal of some kind will also help you see patterns of what does and doesn’t work for you, whether it’s a specific work-out or even what you ate for breakfast.



Once you’re done your work-out, you’re ready to sign-up for Hustle For The House! How you complete the run is completely up to you – you choose the distance, the route, the time. It’s as easy as heading out your front door!


Join RMHC Alberta across the province to walk/run and raise money for families who must travel for their child’s vital medical treatment. Lace-up your shoes and go the distance to support families who need you now more than ever.

Register here.

Filed under: RMHC, WFM, Work-Out Tips