Seventeen-year old Billie Eilish has a lot more on her plate than most seventeen year olds. She’s one of the biggest acts in the world and she’s been navigating it like a champ.

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, the singer opened up about her past struggles with mental health. She said she sustained a dance injury when she was 13, and that’s when she said the depression began.

“It sent me down a hole,” she said. “I went through a whole self-harming phase – we don’t have to go into it. But the gist of it was, I felt like I deserved to be in pain.

“It’s funny. When anyone else thinks about Billie Eilish at 14, they think of all the good things that happened. But all I can think of is how miserable I was. How completely distraught and confused. Thirteen to 16 was pretty rough.”

Her dance classes and the tight outfits also made her self-conscious of her body, a insecurity she credits for her baggy style.

“I was always worried about my appearance. That was the peak of my body dysmorphia. I couldn’t look in the mirror at all.”
Speaking about her fans, Eilish said, “Sometimes I see girls at my shows with scars on their arms, and it breaks my heart. I don’t have scars anymore because it was so long ago. But I’ve said to a couple of them, ‘Just be nice to yourself.’ Because I know. I was there.”