A listener phoned in today saying he’s SURE he heard cats meowing in the new Twenty One Pilots song, My Blood.

I was SURE he was crazy, but I put it out to you, our radio listening audience, and frankly a lot of YOU seem to hear cats meowing in the song too!!! Here were some of the listener texts after we played the song:

Now Decide and listen for yourself (Jason points them out below) if in fact there are MEOWS in the new Twenty One Pilots.

Play Pause

Lauren Hunter

LISTEN: People are Saying It Sounds Like There's Meowing Kitties in The New 21 Pilots & Frankly We're A-MEWsed

Originally Aired: September 14, 2018

Now listen to the song and decide:

Either way, I love the song and think it’s fantastic.  So with or without kitties, it’s still purr-fect either way.

– Lauren