In the early years of Oasis, the Gallagher brothers were not only bandmates – but also accomplices in a string of petty burglaries.


According to the Sunday Sport, a British tabloid newspaper (so take from it what you will), Noel and Liam were known to break into neighbour’s homes in Manchester.

British TV host Richard Madely was one of the brothers’ victims, saying in a recent interview that they later admitted their guilt and apologized. After hearing Madely’s story, Manchester resident Gladys Tomlinson came forward with her own story of how in 1989, the brothers stole “knick-knacks and video” – and poo’d in her tub saying, “pound to a penny that it was one of them that shat in the old bath”.


Noel has since come forward and apologized, kinda, saying “Soz Gladys. No offence.”


Liam on the other hand denies the whole thing. Shocker.