Earlier this year, Lonely Planet released a pretty negative review of Edmonton. They said things like “Downtown is for the moneyed and the down-and-out. There’s hope that the much-lauded Rogers Place will breathe life into it, but this seems like a tall order.

This negativity rubbed some people the wrong way, including Vikki Wiercinski. She is a local graphic designer who decided to focus on the positive in our city. She started gathering a list of the hidden gems around town. The cool things most of dont know about, or forgot. She then put 45 of them on a map and you can scoop one up! It includes locations like the High Level Bridge Streetcar, Accidental Beach, or The Empress Ale House.

Its called “Edmonton! It’s fine here” and its flying off the shelves. Vikki talked to us all about it.

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LISTEN: Edmonton Woman Creates A Map Of YEG's Hidden Gems!

Originally Aired: December 15, 2017

– Bryce

Filed under: Edmonton, local, yeg