

What is cooler than tips on How To: Not Get Sick.


Not the most stylish topic, but it’ll save you. We suffered through many internet slideshows to provide this information.


  • Get fresh air.
    • Germs circulate indoors. If you hang out where the germs are, you’ll get sick.


  • Get full night’s sleep
    • Sleep decreases stress and when you sleep your body heals.


  • Wash your hands, don’t touch your face.
    • Sickness likes to get in through the big holes in your face (e.g eyes, nose, mouth).


  • Clean your surroundings.
    • Get us to wiping desks and door knobs. Don’t be snobby about it but definitely get use to taking personal responsibility.


  • Maintain basic health practices
    • Good nutrition, don’t smoke, and keep your allergies controlled. Keep exercising,  studies show the physically active get sick far less often.


  • Cut your nails
    • the flu bug likes to hide underneath your nails.



Filed under: sick