

Edmonton has a hockey anthem.


Edmonton band Travulta just dropped a Potholes And Champions (McDavid song). Lyrics like “Gretzky will not be our curse like the Great Bambino” and “I don’t wanna see another jersey discarded on the ice” makes the band’s long-time loyalty to the formerly fledgling hockey team obvious. Give a listen to Potholes And Champions below and hear from Jason (one of the dudes inspired to make it).


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LISTEN: Jason (Travulta) on Potholes And Champions (McDavid Song).

Originally Aired: February 16, 2017


Jason Of Travulta talks Potholes And Champions (McDavid Song).



You can download HERE or listen below.






Buffalo Sabres, one day you’ll get yours
But we’ve got McDavid, this year is our oyster.
Don’t count out the Edmonton Oilers…
The rebuild is over.

Tearing down the old boys club.
Lowe and his cronies are only history.
The source of error is no mystery
but I’m certain it will be solved by Chiarelli.

Because hockey is our city
and we have no plans to change the plaque.
We are the City of Champions;
the city of potholes and Champions

Gretzky will not be our curse like the Great Bambino
I don’t hope, I know
there’s only one way left to go
because this is the McDavid Show.

Edmonton will rise again.
Sorry in advance for the state that Whyte Avenue will be in.
And I may only be one man,
but when i put on the jersey you’re messing with an Oilers fan.

Because hockey is our city
and there was no need to change that plaque.
We are the City of Champions;
the city of potholes and Champions

A decade without playoffs is just too much to bare
for a fan base this invested.
I know I’ll never see your number crested
on a jersey discarded by a broken fan torn apart by disappointment.
No more disappointment.
I don’y wanna see another jersey discarded on the ice.

Your kingdom awaits in the heart of the city,
In the hearts of the fans.
Pumping orange and blue
through our veins and arteries, respectively.

Filed under: Connor McDavid, Potholes And CHampions