

Edmonton music-advocate Steve Steffler (know to some as Barri Kat) passed away Sunday. The independent record label owner and former-Bohemia music venue operator was the victim of carbon monoxide poisoning at his home in North Edmonton. We caught up with his longtime friend and business partner Cole McKelvey to reflect. Enjoy our chat below, comment your memories and keep in mind there is a tribute show for Steve in Edmonton Saturday night.


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LISTEN: Remembering Edmonton music-advocate Steve Steffler.

Originally Aired: November 25, 2016


Follow Sometimes Records for updates moving forward.


Counterfeit Jeans and The Mothercraft are two bands Steve loved and supported using his record label. They’ll be doing a tribute performance for Steve on Saturday night where money raised will assist Steve’s family. Click HERE to find out more, get tickets in advance.




Filed under: Barri kat, Bohemia, Edmonton Music, Steve Steffler