Remedial Rock Door has come and gone for another year. You were naming the song behind the Remedial Rock Door to win $250 and here are your results. Listen to SONiC’s Circus Of Sadness: 19-minutes of Remedial Rock Door failure and check out the final win/lose stats below.


Stats from the past few weeks

210 chances to win: $52,500

85 winners: $21,250

125 losers: $31,250 on the table


Give a listen to SONiC’s Circus Of Sadness: 19 Minutes Of Remedial Rock Door Failure below.

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SONiC Circus Of Sadness: 19 Minutes Of Remedial Rock Door Failure.

Originally Aired: October 19, 2016


Filed under: Remedial Rock Door, SONiC Circus Of Sadness