



To celebrate National Poetry Day here are 5 SONiC artists with published poetry. Did we miss any? Let us know.



The Tragically Hip’s Gord Downie wrote his first book of poetry Coke Machine Glow in 2001. It contains lyrics from the album of the same name in addition to other pieces written from that time. Purchase HERE.



Billy Corgan wrote Blinking with Fists in 2004. You can read some HERE. New York Times reviewed it as “not much worse than many first books of poems that arrive with heady praise from the poetry world’s burghers”. Purchase HERE.






R.E.M’s Michael Stipe made a pact with six friends to write haikus every day for a year as a way to keep in touch with each other. The result  is The Haiku Year which “creates the sense that present moments do not just disappear and provides a visceral understanding of how these moments fit into the context of the rest of our lives.” Purchase HERE, preview HERE.




‘Hawksley burns For Isadora’ is a collection of mysterious love letters to an unknown recipient that originally appeared in the classified ads of Toronto newspapers. It turns out the mystery poet is Hawksley Workman. You can purchase HERE.






Rivers Cuomo’s The Pinkerton Diaries contains poetry as well as deep insight into Weezer from 1994 to 1997. It has been known to bring fans to tears. You can purchase HERE.



Please let us know if we missed anything. These would make great gifts for late December!




Filed under: Coke Machine Glow, Hawksley Burns For Isadora, hawksley workman, Poetry, The Tragically Hip