credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
How amazing was SONiC BOOM 2016? We got some of the memories in photo form for you to re live the magic.

Max From Arkells
Max From Arkells credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
Jake Bugg
Jake Bugg credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
Wintersleep credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
Twenty One Pilots
Twenty One Pilots
Bryce and Garner
Bryce and Garner credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
Banners credit: GIRL NAMED SHIRL Photography
Max Arkells Stage Dive
Max Arkells Stage Dive credit: Michelle Duquette
Filed under: arkells, Banners, Jake Bugg, SONiC BOOM, Twenty One Pilots, Wintersleep