

You love your pet more than anything, but enough to travel around the world with them? Especially if it’s a pet chicken!?

Guirec Soudee is sailing around the world with his pet hen, Monique. Watch their adventure here:

It looks like they’re having a blast

#throwback #thecrew #voyagedyvinec #caribbean #stbarth #travel #explore #sailing

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He talked to the BBC about why he picked Monique:

I knew she was the one straight away, she was only about four or five months old then, and had never left the Canary Islands. I didn’t speak any Spanish and she didn’t speak any French, but we got along.”

“I thought about a cat, but decided it would be too much effort to look after it,” he says.

“The hen was an ideal choice. It doesn’t need that much looking after and I’m able to get eggs at sea.”